Peace News is the newspaper for the UK grassroots peace and justice movement

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Editorial: Still for nonviolent anarchism

Anarchism is not just 'spontaneity and structurelessness', argues Milan Rai

Radical Music: Charlotte Church

'A call for one group's liberation does not imply another's destruction'

Diary: 'Validate!'

'It's guilt-inducing to say no'

Poynted remarks

Do mobs rule?

What else

We all need to get a little rest sometimes, says Rebecca Elson-Watkins

In the cracks between

Which TV show regularly reminds us that people are 'for the most part ... kind, caring and empathetic'?

Babies against bombs

Placards, Gaza march, London, 9 March 2024

Film activists better

A guide to filming protests on your smartphone – for maximum impact – by one of the most experienced activist filmmakers around.

Preserving the US empire with nuclear weapons

Part of a recent online talk for PN by a longtime US peace activist 

‘Positive freedom’ and ‘love of life’

Revisiting the insights of German Jewish thinker Erich Fromm (1900 – 1980)

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is ready to try to break the siege on Gaza.

Despite the arguments of the United States, the ceasefire resolution passed by the UN security…