A long, long time ago…

IssueFebruary 2005
News by Conner Jay

With a true sense of nostalgia, Peace News reflects back on its long history of publishing. Even half a century ago, PN was “providing a forum where nonviolent and anti-militarist movements could develop common perspectives” … in the form of a weekly tabloid (well, you never know...).

Everyone can change

1955 had many the same conflicts and issues that continue to trouble the world today, from the poor distribution of wealth to massive arms build-ups. In the 4 February 1955 issue, the decorated “hero” of WWII, General Douglas McArthur of the US forces, called for the abolition of war at his own seventy-fifth birthday banquet. After a life-long military career from the US exploit of the Pacific to the campaigns of the Korean War, McArthur continued to take courageous initiatives, in this instance in defying his own position and role in war. “We should now proclaim our readiness to abolish war in concert with the Great Powers of the world. The results would be magical… The ordinary people are agreed on this solution, but the leaders are the laggards.” Perhaps some advice is timeless.

Topics: History