by Symon Hill
Military police blame 'more urgent enquiries' for 'unacceptable delay' in bringing case to trial
by Jeff Cloves
New play tells story of WW1 peace activist framed by police spies for non-existent murder plot
by David Polden
Well capped after government calls for financial review of Third Energy
Israel’s military justice system characterised by prolonged pre-trial detention, abuse of kids and sham trials, says Amnesty
by PN
LGBT+ rights defenders protest outside Westminster Abbey
13 cases dropped after aquittal of Christian activists
by Benjamin Kaplan
Dublin and Berlin events to follow London launch
Terrorism charges followed arrival of British undercover cop, documents reveal
by Linda Murgatroyd
Display of peace poppies made by public planned to mark WW1 centenary
by Awel Irene
CND anniversary celebrated in Caernarfon