Comments in issue 2598 - 2599

Editorial: Jezza and The Donald

by Milan Rai

What lies behind the rise of the outsider politician?

Bruce Kent: As I please

by Bruce Kent

Welcome to our new columnist!

The Personal Column: A matter of conscience

by Jeff Cloves

Jeff Cloves reflects on Stroud's global peace party

We rise, for water, for life

by Penny Stone

Songs of resistance to the Dakota pipeline

Diary: 'Can you please just do it somewhere else?'

by Ali Tamlit

Ali Tamlit surveys some of the trials and tribulations of squatted sites

Activism & ... Dirt

by PN staff

Digging for peace

60 years ago: Gandhi in Italy

by Albert Beale

Two members of the Pacifist Youth Action Group, hitch-hiking to India to spend a period at a Gandhian project, stopped en route to join an international workcamp undertaking post-war reconstruction in Italy. Then, as now, such work both deals with some of the legacy of war and also – by its international co-operative nature – helps to undermine the causes of future wars. They sent back a report to Peace News.