Features in issue 2480-81

The colour of peace

by Jeff Cloves

White poppies

Roads and runways everywhere

by Jason Torrance

Fifteen years on from the start of the modern environmental direct action movement, awareness about the state of our planet is higher than ever before. However, those who have grown up as a part of the movement tell a different story about corporate and government action and the pace of change.

Stop the short haul

by Leo Murray

"The ignorant people of the past, the unfortunates of the future, and the disenfranchised people of developing nations, are all powerless to affect the out-come of our terrible gamble with the world's climate. There is nobody else. We - that's you and I - need to take action, and fast." Leo Murray, from direct action group Plane Stupid, explains why he joined the group that shut down an airport.

The rise and rise of the movement against road building

by Rebecca Lush

Rebecca Lush reflects on the rebirth of the anti-roads movement as the Labour government continues to backtrack on promises to cut carbon emissions and pushes ahead with a significant number of new roadbuilding schemes across the country.