Issue: 2497

May 2008



By PN staff

Whisper & Shout, described as a “new irregular and guerrilla publication” aiming to “print poems and features of guts and sensitivity”, edited by Dennis Gould and published in February 1968:

By PN staff

Abbie Hoffman

By Dennis Gould

The Easter 1968 issue of Peace News had the following content... Obituary of Martin Luther King. A translation by Ronald Sampson of Leo Tolstoy’s Waging Peace Against Our Governments.

By Topher Vollmer

The events of May ’68 began in the universities. At Nanterre (just outside Paris) and the Sorbonne, students had become increasingly vocal against the US war in Vietnam.

A Fairtrade Town is a community that makes a collective commitment to Fairtrade and achieves Five Goals developed by the Fairtrade Foundation.


I would like to dissent from the celebration of May ’68.

In 1968, I was an editor of Freedom, the anarchist paper, at a time when the anarchist movement was growing rapidly. Anarchists were exploring the potential of nonviolence

By Ian Sinclair

Published four years ago, Mark Kurlansky’s 1968: the year that rocked the world is an engrossing and stimulating general history of a time “when significant segments of population all over the globe refused to be silent about the many things that

By Maya Evans

This content has been removed from the website on request of the author.

By Jeff Cloves

When I was in my teens I feared I wouldn’t be alive for my 21st. I wasn’t alone in such dread. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) was our nuclear fate and it drove many of my generation to join the Aldermaston March.

By Jonathan Stevenson

Can wearing a T-shirt be a crime? This was the question we set out to answer on the opening day of Heathrow’s Terminal 5 on 27 March.

By Sophie Wynne-Jones

Surrounded by kit, I sit facing my friends, cheeks burning so red that they suggest I am overtired. I shake my head, avoid eye contact, unsure how to admit my feelings.

By John Jordan, Isa Fremeaux

There’s an icy February wind pushing us around what feels like a walled medieval city. Eventually we find a small arched opening in this strange city within a city; we step inside.

By Milan Rai, Emily Johns

There is something surreal about the holding of a Peace History conference attended by some of the country’s longest-serving peace activists right in the heart of the Imperial War Museum.

By Hilary Topp

Over 50 people gathered on 1 March for the 15th annual Peace Education Network conference. Delegates travelled from France, Ireland and around the UK to share ideas, resources and enthusiasm for Education for Peace.

By Andrea D'Cruz

Symon Hill of Campaign Against Arms Trade is buzzing with the excitement of a remarkable High Court victory.