A classic piece by Dennis Gould
by Penny Stone
'I walked home in tears after the first two rehearsals because it felt so pertinent'
by PN staff
Should campaigners block OpenAI from scraping their websites?
by Cath
'If we don’t take ourselves seriously, why would anyone else?' asks our South Yorkshire-based anarcho-communard
by Rebecca Elson-Watkins
Things have not gone far enough – not by a long shot, argues Rebecca Elson-Watkins
by Claire Poyner
Should we really expect the RSPB to spend time actively campaigning on the arms trade?
by Chris Booth
Gentle but tireless campaigner for peace and justice
by Milan Rai
Where should PN put its creative energies next year?
Milan Rai reflects on the recent Active Resistance to the Roots of War (ARROW) reunion