Registration is now closed - but please do come to Camp and register at the Gate!
Registration this year: £20-£135 for over-14s. Under-14s £5-£30 by parental income, under-1s free.
Food (three meals a day and drinks) costs £6–£12 a day for over-14s, depending on income. Children's food by donation. Individual meals will also be available, or you can self-cater. Food tickets will only be available at camp.
The theme of this year's camp is 'Surviving Politics - self-care, skill-sharing and community-building when nothing seems to make sense'
We will have workshops and discussions, practical skills sessions, music, delicious vegan food cooked by Veggies, films, fun and DIY entertainment, a bar, campfires, and activities and facilities for kids and families.
The camp will be held near Diss in Norfolk.
*JULY UPDATE - Betsy, Robb & Tracey
We have some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that we have Robb Johnson and Tracey Curtis confirmed as performers at Peace News Summer Camp on Saturday 29 July! They are much-loved singer-songwriters who have both performed before at Camp.
The bad news is that Betsy Leondar-Wright is not coming to Peace News Summer Camp.
Betsy was due to have delivered a training of trainers called Exploring Class the weekend after Peace News Summer Camp, and this unfortunately has just been postponed due to a number of factors including Betsy having a family health emergency.
Once the August training of trainers was postponed to 2018, if Betsy had come to this year's Camp, this would have not been in line with the Camp organisers' policy of not flying in speakers just to speak at PNSC. (There was an exception to this in 2013, when there was a different group of organisers for that year.)
Two small consolation prizes are that there will be workshops related to class at the camp, including one inspired by the technique Betsy has helped to pioneer; and the camp organisers are looking into the possibility of Betsy Skyping in to do a talk to the whole camp.