Campaign Profile: Vegetarians International Voice for Animals (VIVA!)

IssueApril 2006

Eating meat causes environmental destruction, damages human health and inflicts immense suffering on billions of animals. And the solution to all these problems is in our own hands: stop eating animals now. Through popular campaigns, solid research and undercover expose's, Viva! works to get the message out about vegetarianism and animal cruelty in the most imaginative and effective ways possible.

After launching 11 years ago with little money, some contacts, alot of experience and boundless creativity, Viva! continues to grow and the successes just keep coming. We have *closed pig farms* exposed the suffering of dairy cows * cut sales of factory farmed duck * cleared exotic meat off supermarket shelves * blocked kangaroo skin imports * demonstrated all over the UK * slashed live horse exports * toured Britain with our Incredible Veggie Road-shows offering free food, nutritional advice and info on every aspect of vegetarianism, culminating in the Incredible Veggie Show at Wembley - in total reaching over 25,000 far! * helped thousands of people go veggie, vegan or simply reduce their meat intake.

There's more to come and we want you to get involved! Plus, with the news that the export of live calves from the UK to European veal crates will restart again this spring, never has your help been more vital. Up to 500,000 newborn male dairy calves are shot every year in the UK; now, unable to produce milk and too scrawny for beef, they will once again be transported to the veal producers in France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Ten years ago demonstrations by ordinary people closed export ports and ended air shipments. So join us for a mass protest on 6 May, 11am to 3pm on Dover seafront, near the eastern docks.

Topics: Food, Animal rights
See more of: Campaign profile