
Re-writing history

ImageI’m writing to suggest that the British Legion travesty of ‘No Man’s Land’, could present a great news opportunity for the peace movement.

As you may be aware – their song is an awful travesty of the wonderful ‘No Man’s Land’, a great anti-war song. To me it feels unethical to change the song in this way – not just changing its meaning, but almost giving it the opposite meaning. For example these lines have been cut:

Well the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shame

The killing, the dying, it was all done in vain,

For Willie McBride, it all happened again,

And again, and again, and again, and again.

Also, I’ve started a petition – be great to get as many signatures as possible! But I think potentially much more could be made of this than a petition.

A rendition of the original song: www.youtu.be/cWhOO9Q323Y.
The British Legion song: www.youtu.be/t5gTOcoD0c0.
Bob’s petition: www.chn.ge/1tQoVWA

Bob Banks, Sheffield

Power to the UN

ImageWhen military threats like those in Syria/Iraq and E Ukraine burst on the scene it is tempting to respond militarily. The problem is that, if we go on like this, there will be no end to the long streams of fleeing civilians, warring bands of insurgents, radicalisation of youngsters, escalating casualties, insane violence and seeding of new hatreds.

This scenario might suit arms traders and power-hungry politicians but it disgusts most of the rest of us. It is also lethal for the planet.
It is ordinary people like ourselves who have to bring about change. The immediate aim is to get all military power into UN hands, transforming it from being the war machine of nation states to a global peacekeeping force under international control. It is high time that the UN should be able to take firm executive action in all matters transcending national boundaries, never to wage war but always to secure the peace and protect the planet. See:

John Garrett Jones, by email