Features in issue 2448

Open medium, global outreach

by Daniel Sewe

The Independent Media Centre network, also known as "Indymedia", is a global network of open, democratic and uncensored spaces on the web, where anyone can share their opinions and experiences. They are run entirely by volunteers, and the network now comprises almost 90 Independent Media Centres (IMCs) all over the world. Daniel Sewe takes a closer look.

"Art is not a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer with which to shape it"

by Gareth Evans

In this introduction to the issue's thematic section, Gareth Evans takes stock of the ideas and practice of current cultural resistance and suggests that, while much of it may emanate from the street (or equivalent), it can also help to build networks for long-term change.

Desperately seeking Marcos

by Gustavo Esteva

For some, Zapatista "leader" Marcos already has the same iconic status as Che. But in a few years time will commercial companies also be selling Marcos T-shirts, using and reducing him to yet another commodity: making the transition from cultured revolutionary to object in mainstream popular culture? And is he, and indeed Zapatismo, inspiring a culture of resistance, or cultural resistance? We asked Gustavo Esteva what he thinks.

Culture is the opposite of war

by Mary Begley

Irish activist Mary Begley offers some thoughts on her "tough and rewarding" life and work as a street musician.

About artwork and activism

by Matt Mahlen

French artist and antimilitarist Matt Mahlen offers a personal reflection on life, work, and identity, and what "culture and resistance" means to him.