Features in issue 2449

Decentralised co-operation on peace-building

by Kristian Herbolzheimer

The participatory peace and democratic initiatives emerging at the local and regional level in Colombia usually lack a solid base of support in Europe. Kristian Herbolzheimer looks at the possibilities for a decentralised response, involving not just citizens' groups but local institutions.

A permanent process

by Martha Colorado

Making links between all forms of violence, Colombian women activists are building a national women's movement against the war. Martha Colorado reports.

Blood and fire

by Mujeres de Negro, Madrid

The specific targeting of women and young people in Barrancabermerja has led, not to a passive acceptance of authority and domination, but to their organisation and empowerment. This article, written by Mujeres de Negro (Women in Black), Madrid, focuses on the work of the Organización Femenina Popular (Women's Organisation of the People).