Features in issue 2452

Daily living with terror

by Saswati Roy

The impact of small arms on communities takes many forms, from involvement in illegal production and trafficking as a means ofeconomic survival, to fuelling existing conflicts and creating a violent gun culture, where local disputes are invariably "resolved" using guns. Saswati Roy reports from India.

First-hand: Raytheon Peacemakers

by Scott Schaeffer-Duffy

Scott Schaeffer-Duffy argues that the key to sustaining long-term campaigns against weapons producers is creativity and community.

New days of action

by Stuart McCabe

Peace News reader Stuart McCabe puts forward a proposal for common days of action for arms trade activists to organise around.

The South African arms deal

by Terry Crawford-Browne

Terry Crawford-Browne reports on the European companies - profitting from weapons sales to South Africa, the legal challenges campaigners are making to the 50bn+ Rand deal and the deal's disastrous impact on domestic politics and society itself.

South Asia and the international arms trade

by Tom Lansford

Tom Lansford argues that South Asia provides an example of the correlation between aggressive new marketing strategies by defence companies and heightened support for arms sales as a component of foreign policy by the major arms producing nations--exacerbating existing conflicts and tensions in the region.

Bright future for non-lethal weapons

by Caroline Lauer

In part one of a special two-part PN investigation, Caroline Lauer takes a look at the development and economics of non-lethal weapons.

A growth industry

by Frida Berrigan

The outsourcing of military operations to private companies is a growth area of the defence industry. Frida Berrigan reports on the insidious profiteering.