Features in issue 2466

It was 20 years ago today...

by Helen Steel, Dave Morris

PN talks with Dave Morris and Helen Steel about sustaining long-term campaigns, making visible the links between different issues - and about the current struggle against corporate and state power, and for the freedom to protest.

Looking for nonviolent ways to confront, resist, challenge and respond to violence

by Roberta Bacic

Since the end of July, Northern Irish politics and communities have experienced change,upheavals and violence: from the IRA's declaration of an end to armed struggle, to September's extended rioting across Loyalist communities, and the use by the police of water cannon and live rounds against citizens. Peace News invited members of the Northern Irish peace movement to tell us what they are thinking.

The politics of food

by Jenny Gaiawyn

Jenny Gaiawyn argues that nonviolence and veganism are part of the same ethos and that eating ethically is an integral part of creating a world that is more just for all