Features in issue 2518

Armed drones: war by remote control

by Jim Wright, Chris Cole

The first of two articles on the rapidly-expanding use of military drone aircraft

Gaza Freedom March

by Starhawk

Starhawk writes from Cairo

To share or not to share?

by Woody Wood

With a 30 year perspective Woody Wood challenges the decline in the radical forms of wealth levelling

African peacebuilders undermined

by Bryn Higgs

How local peace efforts in Northern Uganda were trumped by the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrants

Are we serious?

by Dariush Sokolov

An angry reflection on the Climate Justice Action protest in Copenhagen

Peace News in India

by Milan Rai

Milan Rai blogs from the War Resisters International gathering

NPT: a launchpad for nuclear abolition?

by Rebecca Johnson

Next steps for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty