Features in issue 2527

The capitalism question

by Michael Albert, Barry Cager, Gabriel Carlyle, Cornerstone Cath, Ewa Jasiewicz, Sam McCann, Phil Thornhill

Can we stop climate change without first overthrowing capitalism? PN sought views from around the movement.

No Borders Calais: how to organise a secret festival

by Dariush Sokolov

“Dwelling, moving about, speaking, reading, shopping and cooking are activities that seem to correspond to the characteristics of tactical ruses and surprises: clever tricks of the ‘weak’ within the order established by the ‘strong’, an art of putting one over on the adversary on his own turf, hunter’s tricks, manoeuvrable, polymorph mobilities, jubilant, poetic and warlike discoveries.” Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life

“Everything is possible if people work together – even stopping Calais from being Calais.” Arnaud Borderer.

Projecting power, protecting interests

by Milan Rai

Britain’s new strategic defence and security review is aggressive and anti-democratic