Comments in issue 2672

Students for Gaza

by PN staff

Encampments at over 130 US universities and beyond

The Solvay Three stand up for Palestine

by PN staff

'The most moving speech I have ever heard in this courtroom'

We’ve raised over £13,000 for Gaza

by PN staff

Anti-war badges prove popular at demos

Surround the White House

by PN staff

Peace group pays for bus stop ads

Why not holiday at Lakenheath Action Camp!

by PN staff

Anti-nuke protest, 13 - 25 July

How can the UK help?

by Ian Sinclair

New report on getting 'the world back on a path to nuclear disarmament'

Free Assange!

by PN staff

Court grants whistleblower further appeal

Israel refuses to take ‘yes’ for an answer

by Milan Rai

How the Gaza ceasefire negotiations broke down

Vote for Gaza

by Milan Rai

Doesn’t support an immediate permanent ceasefire? Don’t vote for them