Comments in issue 2670

Editorial: How to beat Trump

by Milan Rai

In the run-up to this year's general election, the UK peace movement must challenge the deep-seated militarism of the entire British political class

Activism &

by PN staff

Alcoholism and Messiahs

Radical Music: 'L'Amitié'

by Penny Stone

'Make us live as brothers and forget that we were foes'

In the cracks between

by Virginia Moffatt

Our new arts columnist takes a look at The Crown

Diary: 'This is my home!'

by Cath

'The power of personal capital has moved [us] onto step three of our journey of a thousand miles'

What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Which tier of society you experience comes down to one thing in modern Britain, argues Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Does nanny actually know best?