Press release, 15 February 2021
15 February: A new survey of UK activists has been launched today (Monday 15 February), with the aim of encouraging campaigners from across a broad range of social movements to share their stories of success in winning concrete gains for people targeted by racism – and in making their groups, events, spaces and projects more racially-inclusive.
Long-time radical newspaper Peace News [1], which has created the survey, hopes to turn the results into a handbook of practical actions born of experience that grassroots activists and campaigning NGOs can take to root out racism and build stronger movements for peace and justice.
The survey, which will be open until 7 March, can be accessed online at https://tinyurl.com/arwhatworks. Paper copies are also available on request by calling 07980 748 555. Campaigners can also share the survey online using the resources here: https://peacenews.info
Peace News editor Milan Rai said: ‘Last year a vast, intense wave of anti-racist protests shook the world. This year, we expect many UK activists to be deepening their commitment to racial justice struggles. By encouraging them to share their stories of constructive anti-racist action we hope to be able to create a peer-to-peer handbook, based on people’s lived experiences rather than academic theory. We want to help create a handbook that celebrates our successes and inspires campaigners to take action.’
To arrange an interview, or request an article, about the survey please contact survey@peacenews.info.
Published since 1936, Peace News covers the full spectrum of peace and justice issues, drawing on on the traditions of pacifism, feminism, anarchism, socialism, human rights, animal rights and green politics – without dogma, but in the spirit of openness. www.peacenews.info