Peace News – a call for stories

Blog by PN

In 500 words or less, please tell us what Peace News means to you.

Has reading Peace News raised your awareness of new issues or changed your mind about something important? Has attending a PN event led to an important connection or initiative? Has the content of the paper encouraged you to create or join a group, or to take part in new activities? Has it helped to meet the needs of your group or organisation? Have you helped to produce it or appeared in it?

Your responses will form part of our Social Audit, a research project designed to check the effectiveness of Peace News.

All stories will be published in the appendix of the Social Audit and some may be used in the summary or full. If you do not wish to be identified in the final publication, please let us know.

Please send your contributions to:

The closing date for stories is 15 April 2014.



Topics: PN-related