Issue: 2622 - 2623

October - November 2018


Top Stories

The power of nonviolence

by Pat Gaffney

Faith-based campaigners from around the world share stories of effective action

'Long live peace!'

by Gabriel Carlyle

The unknown history of the German Revolution, 1918 - 1919

Yemen: Britain helps kill a generation of children

by Milan Rai

Famine risk from British-backed attack on Yemeni port

A review-editorial of three important new books on campaigning


Friendship, poetry and Freedom from Torture

by Rachel Mann

Aberystwyth anti-torture fundraiser packed

More Poor People’s Campaign

by PN

Voter registration drives happening in over 40 states in run up to November mid-terms

Hiroshima-Nagasaki fasts

by David Polden

Anti-nuke actions span seven countries

One year in prison for Italian direct actionist

by David Polden

Anti-drones action caused £500,000 damage

Biking to the Netherlands: Code Rood

by Mathilde Griffin

Activists blockade Europe's largest gas field



by Donald Rooum

Greenham march 35 years on

by Lotte Reimer

Cardiff event marks peace camp anniversary

100% renewables can deliver

by Paul Allen

New report showcases projects from across the globe

Welsh language rights for refugees

by PN

Campaigners demand free language lessons for migrants

Palestinians resist

by David Polden

Over 130 killed and 20,000 injured in ongoing protests

Nae Nukes

by David MacKenzie

Blockade celebrates global campaign against nuclear weapons


Richard Muller and the Revolutionary Shop Stewards

by Emily Johns, Gabriel Carlyle

A special PN poster to celebrate Germany's WW1 anti-war movement

Lift the Hunger Blockade!

by Gabriel Carlyle

Suffragists and soldiers joined the resistance to the continued starving of Germany following WW1

Working inside the Catholic church to revitalise the tools of nonviolence

by Pat Gaffney

In 2016, 80 Catholics from 35 countries gathered in Rome to discuss peace & nonviolence. Pat Gaffney explains what happened next.



A walk exploring the history of Haringey’s First World War conscientious objectors


Case Study: Orange Free State, South Africa: 1912 – 1918

by Rebekah Grisim

Black women defeat pass laws

Radical Music: 'He lived like a shooting star'

by Penny Stone

Penny Stone profiles two extraordinary activist-singers, one from Scotland, the other Chile

The Personal Column: '1000 days, 1000 songs'

by Jeff Cloves

'as one war ends, another one begins / look at the children, look at them'

Obituary: David McReynolds: 25 October 1929 – 17 August 2018

by Michael Randle

Renowned peace campaigner who ran for President loved cats and relished controversy

Diary: 'Transparency Tools'

by Cath Muller

How can we create strong and resilient communities that can change society?

Bruce Kent: As I please

by Bruce Kent

Nationalism's days are numbered, says Bruce Kent


by Claire Poyner

How will Brexit impact the rights of women in the UK?

Trans women are trans women

by Catherine Bann

A reader writes in as part of the trans rights debate

Cartoons etc

Telford by Tony Telford

Roouminations by Donald Rooum