
Letter by Sarah Lasenby, Oxford

Last Saturday I went to Waddington to protest about drones and I took the opportunity to ask a number of people whether they knew where Britain’s nuclear weapons are designed and made. 

Of course, the results are anecdotal but I was shocked to find that many of these people, all of whom were against nukes, had no idea where we make our bombs.

When prompted, most of them knew the word ‘Aldermaston’, but had no idea what was made there. I wonder whether it is important for them to know what is made at AWE [the atomic weapons establishment]?

I reckon that more than two-thirds of the people I spoke to did not know where Britain’s bombs are made – their guesses ranged from Brighton to Faslane, taking in Derby.

They were all pleased to have information about Action AWE, and to hear about the Wool Against Weapons project, pink knitting to make a long piece to stretch seven miles from Burghfield [also part of AWE] to Aldermaston in 2014.

We have a really big task to get people to realise what goes on just west of Reading and the horror of it. Or do we just ask MPs not to vote for renewal even if they have no idea where we make these horror bombs?

Action AWE:

Wool Against Weapons: